Graphic Steel Gates


Ancient Forest Series

The first  gate series started about ten years back with the creation of a piece called Ancient Flowers. With the advent of that single piece, the Ancient Forest series evolved . Ever since then, I added to, took away from, and began to think about overlays. How, I wondered, do I integrate a second color and add more depth at the same time.  In this case, the solution to one problem was the solution to the other.  Some of these gates will have additional pieces of steel added to the original plate. .


 Piece Name: Ancient Forest 1

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:    1’6.4'7" by 4’7.14"

 Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  2:  One base piece and overlaying pieces

       Options:  matching hinge plates

        Bolting plates available, if needed

Piece Name: Ancient Forest 2

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:    1’6.4'7" by 4’7.14"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers: 2:  One base and overlays:

Standard Options:    matching hinges onto posts or supports

       Bolting plates:

Notes:  Later version of Ancient flowers

Field of Flowers Series


  The revised  Field of Flowers Serie has three significant changes 

     First, the hinges seem to be more and more a part of the design. starting inside the piece itself and onto the post, wall or column .  Because of  this, it is advisable to obtain brackets designed for each particular piece.

 Second, these pieces are planned for two colors.  With hinges, hinge extensions and latches in one color and the rest of the piece in another.

Third, the gate might be an additional quarter inch wider depending on the latch.


Piece Name: Dreams of Eleanor

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim: 1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers: 2 one base plate and overlays

Standard Options: matching  hinge extensions

Bolting plates if needed

Piece Name:  Interplay

Number of panels:  2

Panel size without trim:   1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  2

One base and overlays

Standard Options: extended hinge brackets

Bolting plate if needed

  Note: not symmetrical

Piece Name: Kayla's Dream

Number of panels: 2

Panels size without trim:  1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  2

One base plate and overlays

Standard Options: matching support connections

And bolting plate, if needed



 Piece Name: Flowers in the Sky

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:  1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers: 2 

Base plate and overlays

Standard Option: hinge extensions

Piece Name: Flowers in the Sky Mirrored

Number of panels: 2

 Panels size without trim: 1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers: 2

Base plate and overlays

Standard Options: matching hinge extensions

  Dance of Shiva Series


Piece Name: Birth of Shiva

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:

    In feet  1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers: 2

Base plate and overlays

Standard Option: matching support connections


Piece Name: Dance of Shiva

Number of panels: 2

Panels size without trim:

      In feet  1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers: 2

Base plate and overlays

Standard Option: matching support connections


Non Series Gates



Piece Name: Wayside Garden

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:           

In feet  1’4.25" by 3’11"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  1

Standard Options:  Bolting plates



Piece Name Tree of Flowers

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:  21.4" by 58.75"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  1

Overlays:  around hinges and latches 

Standard Options:

Piece Name: County Clare Brier 

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim:    1’6.625" by 4’11.22"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  1

Standard Options:     Extension to post  

Bolting plates

Notes:  denser gate with Irish theme



 Piece Name: Eruption of Life

Number of panels:  2

Panels size without trim: 1’6.625" by 4’11.22"

Material: powder coated steel plate

Number of layers:  1

Overlays:  around hinges and latches 

Standard Options:    extended hinges

       Bolting plates:

Flight of the Owl gate

This is actually the design for a gate.   It is both 8' high and wide. Instead of being in halves, this is one piece and is meant to roll to the side on a metal track.

General Specifications

Sample of Finish

All pieces are powder coated. This is a glass-based coating, blown on then baked.  The particular finish I use is as both a texture and a secondary color.  The paint is black but the secondary color is bronze.   In strong light the paint is more bronze.  As it gets darker the paint looks more black.

Basic Construction

Most of my gates begin with a single layer of 3/16" steel plate.  In some pieces, the design is cut out.  In some the design is left in.  Depth is often created  by adding steel pieces to the original plate.

Note: I only use a given template once.   Each gate will be one of a kind.